June is Gold Canyon's birthday and because of that you can earn hostess rewards like never before! Check them out HERE. Check out the Birthday Bash Bonus HERE and the Scent Pod special HERE.
I am trying to reach my goal of throwing at least 5 parties this month. Will you please help me out!
Parties are really easy, here is how they work.
Home Parties:
All you need to do is prepare you house for guest.
Your guests would love little simple finger foods which you can find on Pinterest.com
I provide you with invites you can mail out or hand out and if you would like, I can set up an e-vite for you to email to your friends as well.
Office/Work Parties:
I just need one-two hours to have my stuff set up (preferably during lunch time) so that people can stop by on their way to lunch or even on their way in from lunch. These are easy and great with people that want to order and get back to work.
Online Parties:
I send you an email invite. You will enter in your personal favorite scents from Gold Canyon and then you send it off to your friends through email. You will need to send a reminder email once or twice while he party is going on but other than that, you just sit back and relax. The reminders really help get those sales. My mom has done an online party and she did a $500 party but she was consistent with sending reminders and even setting up an event on Facebook.
The parties are easy and a lot of fun! I hope to hear from you soon!
Happy Burning!